Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Update Karen!

Firstly, a girl I went to highschool with has this amazing blog that has reviews and everything. Click here to read more. She created this fabulous button for Karen that you can click go straight to Karen's website to donate.

I am posting the button on this blog. If you want you can go here to copy and paste the button to your website/blog.

Secondly, I called Karen last week to find out the results of her PET Scan. I know how badly I get anxiety waiting to hear the results. I knew I could somewhat empathize with Karen. When she answered she sounded chipper than she had a few weeks prior. She happily and miraculously reported to me that the cancer was GONE!! What? I just about fell off my chair. Well, really I was driving so logically I just about swerved off the road (don't worry, blue tooth was in use). She told me that it didn't look like the chemo was effecting the cancer but somehow, with this last scan, the cancer was gone. It has only confirmed my belief in a Higher Power even more! I know He is what healed me and now Karen too. The doctors and everyone, including her and me, were so elated and amazed!

What a great way to start the Christmas season!

Thank you for all your support. She still needs help paying for all the chemo she had so if you still feel so inclined to help, just click the Paypal button to the right or her button.


Kimi said...

This is amazing! I am so glad for an update and a happy one at that! What a great way to start December!

Rach said...

That's so GREAT!!!!!! We have been praying for her, I can't wait to tell my kids. they will be so happy. Thank you for the update.

Rheanna Bristol said...

What a great Miracle! I am so happy to hear the news, tell her I said congrats!