The last day of chemo was an eventful one. My mom, sister and husband (Josh, in case you forgot, since it seems like I mention him so little. Don't worry, I am still married), all kept me company. Karen, also in remission, came and partied with me. It was a meaningful day. She gave me this Willow Tree statue that means courage. Karen gave me a lot of courage.
I also met a newby. Her name is Patty and she was in for her first time. My heart goes out to her. Also young and a mom of 5. A wonderful person stricken by hard times. I will keep her in my prayers.
My mom and Sona got their blood drawn for the BRCA test while there. My sis's daughter, Ally, decided she needed a bandaid to feel included.
My sister, her friend MJ, and I decided to play rock band after my treatment. To get into the spirit, Sona shaved my head into a mohawk. I still haven't gotten around to shaving it. I decided I will shave it one more time to be sure everything grows in thick and even.
I didn't last too long in the game. I think I played the drums 3 times, guitar twice and then propped the microphone on my legs while I attempted to sing without falling asleep. Chemo caught up with me and I crashed. Sona and MJ rocked 'til the early hours of....well, at least midnight, but that is late for some moms.
The other minor mishap that happened last Thursday is Drue broke her nose. Ahhhh. Yes. I told her I was sorry for her pain but she got no sympathy for how it happened. She jumped over the back of the couch like I have told her several times NOT to and didn't catch herself. The coffee table was there to break her fall from the nice padded thick carpet. The doc said I need to take her back in tomorrow and they will decide if they need to reset it or not. I keep hoping, in the back of my wishes, that it is not really broken. I don't know. You be the judge.
Life is wonderful and our family is doing well. It looks like all your prayers, fasting and good thoughts have paid off. I owe you all a big one!